核心法语课程 | 列治文山和万锦市



培养学生的法语口语交流、阅读和写作能力。教会学生一系列具体的语言结构,然后他们在各种语境中使用这些结构。这种复习和重用的过程在语言学习中是必不可少的,也是自然的。Go Beyond的课程非常强调听力和阅读。随着学生继续学习法语,他们将获得对法国文学的欣赏和对世界上法国社会的了解。由于语言和文化是不可分割的,法语地区的文化研究将被整合到日常教学中。

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Go Beyond将带你完成你的法语之旅的第一步,从绝对的初学者到初级水平。我们的课程将涵盖一切,从教你如何用法语阅读和写作,到正确的发音,到连接动词和组成句子来表达自己和描述你周围的世界。鼓励学习者说并重复新的法语单词以练习发音 每个学生都有机会说法语,分享想法并提出问题。老师会评估理解和纠正发音。课程包括互动和有趣的活动和游戏。





Go Beyond的核心法语课程主要强调听力和阅读。随着学生继续学习法语,他们将获得对法国文学的欣赏和对世界上法国社会的了解。由于语言和文化是不可分割的,法语地区的文化研究将被整合到日常教学中。


go beyond academy bright pattern background image
go beyond academy store interior image


My name is Ray and I am a Grade 5 student. This is my third year at Go Beyond Academy. I feel my spelling, and writing has improved the most. I got such a high mark in the EQAO when I was in Grade 3. It's all because of my times at Go Beyond Academy. I've been learning English here ever since!


I'm Charlotte H, and I am in Grade 1. I have always loved drawing and painting, especially on My Little Pony. I draw it during the art classes here but I'm not always good at it. My drawings look much better after my teacher taught me now to do it right.

Charlotte H

My name is Henry and I am 10 years old. I have been playing the guitar for the past three years. I've studied with Mr. Segall at Go Beyond all this time. Guitar is a fun class; we always get to play wonderful music. Sometimes we even get to sing along with the song, as Mr. Segall always has interesting classes with me!


Hello, my name is Bobby. I started basic theory last year, and the class only took about 3 months. At the last class, we got a chance to do an exam. I got a 95%! I did really well in this class. But then I got to know everyone else's mark, they were in the 90s as well!


I'm Jolynna V. and I am 8 years old. I have studied piano at Go Beyond for 1 year. I have not learned the piano for a long time and I am already level 2. I couldn't give all the credit to myself because the teacher helps me so much. Thank you Ms. Gao.

Jolynna V